Fix Your Storm-Damaged Boat at Mangrove Marina
We are Boat Salvage and Repair Experts
Storms can wreak havoc in so many ways. They can lead to significant destruction for residential and commercial properties. They can also bring on extensive boat damage. If you’re a proud boat owner who is dealing with the realities of extensive storm damage, you have nothing to fear. Mangrove Marina, located in picturesque Tavernier, is able to provide you with dependable, qualified and detail-oriented boat repair services.
It doesn’t matter which sort of damage your vessel sustained. Our team members can restore it to its original glory. They can get your boat safe and back in fine working order again quickly and efficiently. Our team of boat salvage experts provide customers with haul outs using our forklifts and travel lifts. Our forklift has a capacity of 22,000 pounds, as well as boat travel lift that has capacity of 60 tons, so there’s no job too big or too small.
Competitive Boat Repair Rates
We make economical boat repair rates a priority, so whether your vessel is fully or partially submerged, we have a service that meets your needs:
- Sunken or disabled retrieval from $100/foot to $200/foot.
- Barge and crane service for $500/hour.
- Haul out at Mangrove Marina for $10/foot for fork lift and $15/foot for travel lift. (Additional labor and blocking fees may apply)
- Dry gated storage for $3/foot per day.
- On-site defueling service available in containment basin.
- Engine pickling at $500 per engine.
We remove and float vessels on a frequent basis, and meticulously assess them after lifting and towing them. When can also perform a detail-oriented boat inspection service.
Mangrove Marina can also coordinate with you or your insurance company to make sure you get your property secured and serviced. We understand the process can be lengthy and complex, so we’re here to guide you.
Drop Mangrove Marina a Line Now
If you’re waiting for Tavernier’s five-star boat repair service, drop Mangrove Marina a Line as soon as possible. We know everything about boats that have considerable storm damage.